use a news server? (was Re: python-dev summary, Jan. 16-31)

Tim Peters tim_one at
Sat Feb 17 02:07:00 EST 2001

[Andrew Dalke]
> ...
> Here's a thought.  Why not set up an NNTP server for
> python development?

Believe it or not, that's already being talked about, by people who know far
more than me about this kind of stuff.  It's attractive!  The problems are
"the usual":  finding a well-connected machine with spare cycles and bytes
that won't be taken away, not stepping on anyone's political toes, and
conjuring up a wizard with the spare bandwidth to bring it into existence
and to care for it when it's sick forever after.  Note that over the last 3
months, even the Python mailing lists have been sick more often than not --
and we're still not sure that they're fully recovered, because nobody has
had the time to figure out *why* the last batch of gross problems just
seemed to go away by magic.  You really trust us to manage an NNTP-based
approach <0.9 wink>?

there's-a-reason-we-love-sourceforge-ly y'rs  - tim

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