'in' operator

Walter Moreira walterm at cmat.edu.uy
Fri Feb 16 20:52:18 EST 2001


Why the following test raise an error?

  >>> '' in 'yY'
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  TypeError: 'in <string>' requires character as left operand

I would expect it to give 0, false. With the actual behavior, one must write

  resp = raw_input('Yes or no: ')
  if resp and resp in 'yY':

to consider the case when the user just press `return', instead of

  if resp in 'yY':

Is this a planned behavior?

Walter Moreira  <> Centro de Matematica  <> Universidad de la Republica
email: walterm at cmat.edu.uy <> HomePage: http://www.cmat.edu.uy/~walterm
        /OD\_    |   "Agent Smith: Never send a human to do a machine's
 O o . |_o_o_)   |   job."                       -- From ``The Matrix''

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