Red Hat Linux and

Donn Cave donn at
Wed Feb 7 14:20:58 EST 2001

Quoth "Spicklemire, Jerry" <Jerry.Spicklemire at IFLYATA.COM>:
| I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. 
| When I try to use a contributed Zope module that calls 
|, Python v.2.5.2, I get a couple of error messages. 
| The first hangs on:
| >   File /l01/Zope/lib/python/Products/POPMailBase/, 
| >   line 132, in
| > ListMessages
| >     (Object: POPMailAccountBase)
| >   File /l01/Zope/lib/python/Products/POPMailBase/, 
| >   line 68, in
| > UpdateStatus
| >     (Object: POPMailAccountBase)
| >   File /l01/Zope/lib/python/Products/POPMailBase/, 
| >   line 42, in 
| > Connect
| >     (Object: POPMailAccountBase)
| >   File /l01/Zope-2.2.1-linux2-x86/lib/python1.5/, 
| >   line 183, in
| > pass_
| >   File /l01/Zope-2.2.1-linux2-x86/lib/python1.5/, 
| >   line 146, in
| > _shortcmd
| >   File /l01/Zope-2.2.1-linux2-x86/lib/python1.5/, 
| >   line 125, in
| > _getresp
| > error_proto: (see above)
| with an error message of:
| > > Error Type: error_proto
| > > Error Value: -ERR Not implemented
| This makes me think that is trying to interact 
| with some PopMail feature that isn't implemented in the 
| Red Hat v.5.2 distribution.

If you look at line 183 in, you'll see that it's trying
to supply a password for a clear text login.  According to my
interpretation of "implemented", it would be very odd if that
really wasn't implemented, but there could in theory be a site
policy that refused it for non-SSL-encrypted connections.  Or
the problem could really be the context in which the login was

If you're lucky, perhaps someone out there will read this and
remember the same problem with that version of Zope, that version
of Red Hat Linux and that version of ipop3d, and how it was resolved.
Otherwise, you will have to start eliminating the variables yourself.
I am not interested in Zope or Red Hat Linux, but if you can tell
me what poplib is doing and if you can narrow down to a specific
version of ipop3d, I can look into that.  I would think you're running
ipop3d, but I haven't seen any version that has a "Not implemented"
message.  Just telnet to port 110 on the mail host, and copy down
what it says.  While you're there, try "user bogus" and then
"pass bogus" and see what happens.  (Then "quit".)  To get the
story on poplib, maybe you need debugging output in _putcmd() or
_shortcmd().  To a file, probably with a different name every

	Donn Cave, donn at

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