Newbie Question---IDLE on Linux

Chris Nelson fimafeng at
Sat Feb 24 19:41:15 EST 2001

I tried That--- Here's what the FAQ said at

Q. I just downloaded version 2.0 (BeOpen-Python-2.0-1.i386.rpm) and 
there is no trace of IDLE in there; an "rpm -qpl 
BeOpen-Python-2.0-1.i386.rpm | grep -i idle" comes up empty. claims that IDLE 0.6 is distributed as part 
of Python 2.0. Checking further, I see that IDLE is included in in the tools 
directory. Is this an oversight? Is there a way to install IDLE without 
unpacking the source tarball? (bob at

A. This is an oversight. None of the code in Tools is installed. I will 
fix this as soon as possible. (jeremy at

Bryan Mongeau wrote:

> Easiest solution:

> When you compile from source, you have to set the environment variable 
> $PYTHONPATH to the directory where your libs are.
> Good luck.

  Where's IDLE?

Q. I just downloaded version 2.0 (BeOpen-Python-2.0-1.i386.rpm) and 
there is no trace of IDLE in there; an "rpm -qpl 
BeOpen-Python-2.0-1.i386.rpm | grep -i idle" comes up empty. claims that IDLE 0.6 is distributed as part 
of Python 2.0. Checking further, I see that IDLE is included in in the tools 
directory. Is this an oversight? Is there a way to install IDLE without 
unpacking the source tarball? (bob at

A. This is an oversight. None of the code in Tools is installed. I will 
fix this as soon as possible. (jeremy at

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