[ANNOUNCE] pyAda, first public release

Gerhard Häring gerhard.nospam at bigfoot.de
Wed Feb 28 21:54:25 EST 2001

I am glad that I can finally announce a first version of pyAda. As the
name implies, it's an Ada 95 binding to the Python interpreter. With
pyAda, you can write Python extensions in Ada 95, and, much more
important, you can also embed a Python interpreter in your Ada
applications. The current release is far from finished, but the thin
binding works already quite well for me. The thin binding is a
one-to-one mapping of the Python -> C interface.

website:  http://pyada.sourceforge.net
release:  http://download.sourceforge.net/pyada/pyAda-2001-03-01.tar.gz
docs:     included in release

pyAda currently works for me under (SuSE 7.1) Linux and FreeBSD (4.2).
It used to work on win32, too, but currently doesn't. That's to be fixed
in the next release. Porting to other Unixen should be fairly

pyAda currently depends on GNU make, GNAT 3.13p and Python 2.0 (and
DocBook SGML for doc creation).

The license is a BSD variant.

Future plans include bugfixes, code cleanup, and development of a thick
binding that renders manual reference counting obsolete. And more ports.


PS: This is my first major Ada project, so I am open to any suggestions
for improvement.
Sorry for the fake email, please use the real one below to reply.
contact: g e r h a r d @ b i g f o o t . d e
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