Alternative iterator syntax

Eduard Hiti KatMouse at
Wed Feb 21 15:18:43 EST 2001

| Predefined Usage of Iterators:
| 1. The looping structure:
|   Consider the structure
|     for a, b, c, ... in A:
|         do something
|     else:
|         do otherthing
|   If A defines __next__, the above is interpreted as the equivalence of
|   (__got is an invisible variable):
|     __got = 0
|     while 1:
|         try:
|             a, b, c, ... = A.__next__()
|             __got = 1
|             do something
|         except IndexError:
|             break
|     if not __got:
|         do otherthing

I think there is an error in the code above. Shouldn't it rather go like:

     __exhausted = 0
     while 1:
             a, b, c, ... = A.__next__()
             do something
         except IndexError:
             __exhausted = 1
     if __exhausted:
         do otherthing

The 'do something' block can break to avoid executing 'do otherthing'.

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