Language change (was RE: iterators (was: python-dev summary))

Robin Becker robin at
Sat Feb 17 04:37:05 EST 2001

In article <mailman.982392863.25850.python-list at>, Tim Peters
<tim_one at> writes
>opened are simply wrong about that (although a couple years' worth of backed
>up ideas got implemented quickly).  Here's the latest one Guido rejected:
>    index.php?func=detailpatch&patch_id=103693&group_id=5470
>That's for a tiny, fully backward-compatible change, and one that's been
>asked for several times on over the years.  If I were the submitter,
The language would have been smaller if only lists were allowed, but
that would make a lot of things unsafe/more interesting.
-cults of personality are always wrong-ly yrs- 
Robin Becker

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