Why ASP <%@ %> does not work

Costas Menico costas at springmail.com
Tue Feb 20 07:53:40 EST 2001

That worked. Thanks to both of you for the help. Does this also mean
that it uses the ASP/ISAPI interface and CGI is not really needed? 

gregj at pobox.com (Greg Jorgensen) wrote:

>On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 04:22:34 GMT, costas at springmail.com (Costas
>Menico) wrote:
>> I am trying to execute the following page in PWS which contains
>>Python ASP. However it does not execute to display the "text".
>> I have installed the latest  ActivePython .  Is there some registry
>>setting that I should be dong? I know <SCRIPT language=Python> works.
>><h1>Querying database</h1>
>><%@ LANGUAGE = Python%>
>><%= text%>
>Does your file have a .asp extension? It should.
>Are you sure the Python is executing in the server, and not in the
>client (which may be the same machine in your case)? Does this work:
><script language=Python runat=server>
>Response.Write("<H2>hello, world</H2>")
>If it does, then this should work, too:
><%@ language=Python %>
>Response.Write("<H2>hello, world</H2>")
>It works for me without any trouble.
>Greg Jorgensen
>Deschooling Society
>Portland, Oregon USA

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