Python, MFC and the good old Hello World

Timo Becker Timo.Becker at
Wed Feb 21 18:35:18 EST 2001

Thanks for your help, Mark.

> I'm afraid I don't have the time to do and test this - but check out
"pywin\framework\" - that is
> where you can find Pythonwin's main frame and app code.

Radim Polásek just told me that PythonWin comes with a in the
demos/app directory (I must have been blind :-)) which is almost a one to
one translation of the code I posted.

> Note that if you dont have significant MFC experience or existing code you
must interface with, wxPython
> would be a better choice.

I just started using MFC under C++ and only wanted to find out how much i
can transfer of that new knowledge to Python. Most time I use Python Scripts
as COM Servers and don't mind about a gui at all.


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