pyXML support for XSL tranformations??

David C. Ullrich ullrich at
Fri Feb 2 09:58:08 EST 2001

On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 16:04:18 GMT, Uche Ogbuji <uche at> wrote:

>"David C. Ullrich" wrote:
>> Once I got it working it went right onto my I-don't-see-
>> how-you-guys-can-give-this-stuff-away list, btw - hope
>> you don't have the idea I've been wanting my money
>> back or anything.
>No, I just wanted to have things clear on the thread because there *was*
>a time when installing 4Suite was a huge pain, and I'd like all to know
>we've worked very hard to make it a breeze (with some help from Greg
>Ward and distutils).

The install (probably a year or so ago) _was_ very easy. I may
as well say what was so stupid about me: There was a spot
in the instructions about unzipping to a "suitable" directory,
with no definition of "suitable". Didn't take me long to figure
out what was unsuitable about the directory I used. That
led to copying some things over some things. I didn't replace
a certain subdirectory that already existed cuz I wasn't
sure whether anything was using that stuff already. The
XSLT didn't work. Then I replaced python\xml\dom with
the one that appeared when I unzipped your package
and everything worked fine.

The "uncleanliness" I was alluding to was having to
modify part of an existing installation. But if I were
not an idiot I would have chosen a suitable directory
to begin with and I wouldn't have noticed the change.
Or I would have noticed that the stuff in the directory
I was reluctant to replace was _also_ an xml\dom
from 4Thought - I thought for no good reason that
it was a module from an entirely independent
source so that replacing it would likely break something

>> > There is no
>> > reason why you can't download 4Suite-0.10.1.tar.gz, untar it, run
>> > "python install", and be completely ready to go.
>> You only think that because you're not stupid enough to find
>> ways to screw it up...
>Well, we'd actually like 4Suite to be easy to install even for

I think I just slipped through the cracks there - knew just
enough to do it wrong. Not your fault.

> That's because some of the features are completely
>unique in XML space, and we think we can actually draw some XML users to
>Python if they don't have to work too hard to get started.  That's why
>we put together the HOWTOs which even walk you though installing Python.
>> > But just in case, there are a 4Suite Installation HOWTOs for UNIX and
>> > Windows.
>> >
>> > See
>> >
>> >
>Uche Ogbuji
>Personal:   uche at
>Work:       uche.ogbuji at

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