What to do after Python?

Cary O'Brien cobrien at Radix.Net
Sun Feb 18 18:30:45 EST 2001

In article <roy-6DE44A.14135818022001 at news.panix.com>,
Roy Smith  <roy at panix.com> wrote:
>cg at cdegroot.com wrote:
>> I'd advise C as a second language because it forces you to deal with the 
>> computer behind all that code, which tends to give you a good 
>> perspective for other language.
>Actually, the problem with C is that it hides too much of the computer 
>behind all that code.  I spent a few years writing C on alphas, and never 
>even found out how many registers the danged thing had.  If you really want 
>to find out what the hardware is all about, learn assembler, which is 
>perilously close to handing a soldering iron to a software guy.

Your problem is that you C compiler was too good.  I learned C and
68000 assembly at the same time with a stupid C compiler.  Stupid
meaning after a while we knew exactly what the C compiler would do.
Often (in the days of vt220 terminals) two of us would work together
debugging, one single-stepping through assembly, and one reading the C
code and keeping in sync.  If you said register you meant register.
Plus if you did you loops just right you could get the 68010 cpu to go
into wicked-fast-loop-mode.

>Another alternative would be to learn lisp.  It may not get you a better 
>job, but will give you the ability to write a better python major mode for 
>emacs :-)

Prolog is kinda different.  Plus I like the SQL suggestion.  Go buy
Bruce's PostgreSQL book and go to town.

-- cary

>I don't suppose I could interest you in fortran?

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