does python support overloaded methods?(py newbie)

Michael Kelly mkelly2002NOSPAM at
Mon Dec 31 20:27:33 EST 2001

On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 19:43:06 -0500, "David Abrahams"
<david.abrahams at> wrote:

>It really has nothing to do with compiled vs. non-compiled languages.
>Overloading gives us a mechanism to non-intrusively extend the semantics of
>a construct, and it's the only clean way to deal with the problem of

I have a funny feelin' you get into that stuff
about proving algebraically that a function
cannot fail. :)

'sides, I'm not sure if you're answering my post
or the previous guy.

I have no desire to non-intrusively extend a construct,
just use the language features I find most appealing. :)



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