Draft PEP: string interpolation with backquotes

Roman Suzi rnd at onego.ru
Sun Dec 2 10:20:22 EST 2001

On Sun, 2 Dec 2001, Oren Tirosh wrote:

>Title: String interpolation with backquotes
>Author: oren at hishome.net (Oren Tirosh)
>Created: 2-Dec-2001

I am against this. It doesn't belong to Python. Also, such kind of
interpolation is easily implemented without any syntactical additions, by

i" is different from u" and r", because it is doable with a function.

If we are concerned about readability, we do not need interpolation. Those
who want it could easily use special library.

Also i" has an impact on program efficiency, because ` ` will not
be precompileble (or will it?) as the rest of Python code.

Perl rules for interpolation are the messiest part of the language. Do we
really need the mess in Python? Do we need to intermingle code and string
data? What for?

Yeas, sometimes such ability is needed. But I think it is
solvable by special functions like documentTemplates (sp?)

Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi
_/ Russia _/ Karelia _/ Petrozavodsk _/ rnd at onego.ru _/
_/ Sunday, December 02, 2001 _/ Powered by Linux RedHat 6.2 _/
_/ "Old MacDonald had a computer with an EIE I/O" _/

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