Deprecate tabs for indenting (was Re: Indenting with tabs vs spaces)

Courageous jkraska at
Tue Dec 4 11:41:06 EST 2001

>If spaces should creep in Python won't compile the code.

Spaces almost *have* to creep in, for example, on continuation
lines. Furthermore, what you're saying isn't true. For example,
if the person who writes it himself uses a tabstop of 8 and then
allows spaces to creep in, things will tend to work out.

All of this, however, is academic. The defacto indentation
standard for Python is 4 spaces.

If you run into Python projects managed professionally, you're
likely to find that their dejure standards are 4 spaces as well,
and with these, you'll find that in order to not get their tech
leads really pissed at you, you'll be learning what a soft tab
stop is, and setting it to 4.


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