Python Popularity: Questions and Comments

Paul Prescod paul at
Sat Dec 29 08:19:19 EST 2001

Resty Cena wrote:
> The real source of growth for both Python and Ruby are the 3M VB
> developers worldwide. Whichever can provide what it is that VB
> developers like about VB on top of what Python and Ruby natively offer
> will hit the jackpot. 

Initially, VB was innovative. Now it is primarily popular because it is
an "industry standard" and has Microsoft's name on it. Unfortunately,
neither Ruby nor Python have either advantage. There is no doubt that
Ruby and Python could pick up SOME of the VB.NET diaspora but I have a
sense that in the long run, Microsoft will reassert control of those
developers using its marketing muscle.

Nevertheless, I agree that that market is huge and largely untapped.

 Paul Prescod

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