Replacing ActivePython?

David Brady daves_spam_dodging_account at
Thu Dec 27 13:15:27 EST 2001


With Mark's parting comment about ActiveState slowing
development on ActivePython, I'm turning my eyes back
to the version of Python, and I'm wondering
what I would need to do to get the same, or at least a
similar, level of integration with the Win32 API,
shell, etc.  I wouldn't worry about it but I'm ready
to step up to Python 2.2 and ActiveState's version is
stalled in alpha.

I know I'll need to grab win32all and install it...
what else should I do?  For example, how do I make WSH
execute .pys files?  They don't appear to be
recognized under the sources.  I'm assuming
that it's some sort of registry tweak that's handled
in the ActiveState installer.

Any other things that'll need to be set up?

Thank you,


David Brady
daves_spam_dodging_account at
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