Is learning Python "extraordinary"?

Courageous jkraska at
Sun Dec 30 01:07:22 EST 2001

>I think my perspective is somewhat tainted from being one of the
>freaks (back then) who was rather self-taught.  By the end of
>high school I knew BASIC, C, APL, 6502 assembly, and others.
>By *no* means exceptional compared to many of the real wizards 
>of the industry, but...

But, by all means exceptional, likely with an IQ over 130, perhaps
edging to 145, placing you smack into the range of individuals
which are at a minimum smarter than ~97.5% of all the rest of
humanity. So pat yourself on the back and engage in some well-
deserved emotional masturbation. You're likely better than you
give yourself credit for.

Moreover, in this case, a little acceptance of your own lofty
capabilities may do you some good, because when you learn to
aknowledge yourself, you may begin to see the signficance of
similar accomplishment in others.

OM, HARI SHIVA, and all that. :-P


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