Why is Complex number notation the way it is?

Steven Feil sfeil at io.com
Sat Dec 22 20:34:39 EST 2001

I was schooled as a Physicists dammit!!
The imaginary number is i!!!

Electric current ALWAYS flows from Positive TO Negative.
   charge carrier may flow from negative to positive, such as e- and
   Cl- but Na+ flows from positive to negative. If you don't believe
   that Na+ and Cl- can flow, try taking a bath in salt water and throw
   in a toaster.

IE=P is ALWAYS true, even with AC and a phase factor
   Because instantaneous current times instantaneous voltage is equal
   to instantaneous power! (in physics everything is instantaneous)

In article <3C21173A.8E02D0A0 at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz>, "Greg Ewing"
<greg at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:

> Josh Yotty wrote:
>> I've been coding Python for about a day now, and I can't 'see' why a
>> complex number like 2+3i is represented as 2+3j in Python.
> Guido was apparently thinking like an engineer at the time. Electronic
> engineers use j instead of i to avoid confusion with current.

 Steven Feil               | Gram-pa, back at the turn of the      .~.  
 Programmer/Developer      | century, why did people use an        /V\  
 sfeil at io.com              | operating system, when they were not // \\ 
                           | allowed to see the source code?      (X_X) 

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