REMOTE_IMPORT was[Re: The Fiery Bush Python One True Universal Web Server...] (fwd)

Dr. David Mertz mertz at
Sun Dec 30 02:37:19 EST 2001

"Jeff Hinrichs" <jlh at> wrote:
|About a system were you could specify in your code a module, version and a
|remotemodule server (ala cpan)  something like this pseudo code popped in to
|my head....
|moduleName = Remote_Import(genericName, version, remoteHost, useLatest,forceRefresh)
|import moduleName as genericName
|Where the remote_import function could specify a module and version and if
|it wasn't installed fetch it from a remote host and install it.  Versioning
|could be done by naming conventions and then if the import command allowed

In one of my _Charming Python_ articles, I discuss almost exactly this
capability.  While I give some examples, the basic moral is that this is
already very easy in Python--nothing much extra is needed (mabye
wrapping my examples into a very small module, or making your own
variants on the idea).  Take a look at:

Yours, David...

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