/usr/bin/env: python: No such file or directory

Hernan M. Foffani hfoffani at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 21 13:39:16 EST 2001

> > How would the interpreter know what version was required? That's exactly
> > what I think we need...A way to tell the interpreter what version is
> > required by a script.
> So, your script requires Python version 2.5 to run, but won't run on
> 2.4 or 2.6.  But is that version 2.5 of the language specification, or
> is that version 2.5 of Guido's Python interpreter (which implements
> version 2.4 of the language spec)?
> ... etc ...

The simplest way to do is to pack your own interpreter and put it in some
deep-down directory. Think on Zope! If they do it (and they pay python
devs salaries :)) I won't go upstream.

Actually RH should provide 2 python interpreters. The one that would be
installed in a special dir along with the bunch of scripts they need
and the one that goes with the devs package or whatever RH like to
name it.

Yes. We may end with a dozen of Python's interpreters in the hard-drive.
But, so what? :)


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