lost interest?

Jonathan Gardner jgardn at alumni.washington.edu
Sat Dec 8 10:54:02 EST 2001

On Sunday 09 December 2001 12:07 am, John Roth wrote:
> What's the difference between the Vaults of Parnassus and CPAN?
> I can usually find what I want on the Vaults.

Yes, the CPAN's site is totally useless. Well, I mean, you can technically 
find stuff, but it takes way too much time to get to the actual stuff you 
want to download, and the search is horrible.

One thing that runs against CPAN is the fact that there are so many modules 
of so many types. Python doesn't seem to have that problem quite yet. (I'm 
not saying Python needs more modules, I am only saying that you can do a 
whole lot more with less.)

However, the interactive mode of CPAN (perl -MCPAN -e shell) is pretty cool. 
You can specify mirrors to download from pretty easily, it will check what 
you got and figure out what you need, and it has a few nice touches that 
makes it really useful. Something like this would be useful for Python in 
general. However, I find the traditional do-it-yourself easy and sufficient. 
That's just me, so...


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