Book "python programming patterns". anybody read this??

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Sat Dec 22 09:27:30 EST 2001

Markus Jais wrote:

> has anybody already read the book "python programming patterns"
> published by prentice hall.
> I thought this would be about design patterns in python
> but the review at amazon says different things about this book.

I was one of the tech editors. Haven't seen the final version,
but what I saw was very good.

It is *not* an intro book. The first couple chapters cover the
grammar and basics, but only a *very* experienced programmer 
could learn Python from it. 

It's also *not* a rehash of the GOF book translated into Python.
There's a fair amount on patterns in there, but from a very
different perspective. (More strongly, it's not a rehash of
anything - this is a very original book.)

I would put the book more (but not completely) in the "algorithms"
category. The example code is very sophisticated and 
thought-provoking (one example is continually expanded and 
revised). Not sure many people outside a CS dept will find
the example directly useful, but if you're an experienced 
Pythoneer (or at least an experienced programmer with some
knowledge of Python), the book will jog your brain in some
new directions.

(I'm not surprised by the Amazon review - I am a long-time
Pythoneer and a very long-time programmer, and I had to study 
many of the examples carefully before understanding how they
worked. But I found the experience rewarding.)

-- Gordon

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