lost interest?

Suchandra Thapa ssthapa at classes.cs.uchicago.edu
Tue Dec 18 13:31:50 EST 2001

maxm <maxm at mxm.dk> wrote:
>Oh but that wasn't what I meant. It was more about the fact that the core
>developers who can put some weight behind a package system are not involved
>in it. They are happier doing core language features like object type
>unifications. (Which I also look forward to ;-) )

    Yes, I suppose that's true although I thought that there some of the
core developers working on distutils that might have been interested
in something like this.

Suchandra Thapa                       | "There are only two kinds of math . 
s-thapa-11 at NOSPAMalumni.uchicago.edu  | books. Those you cannot read beyond 
			              | the first sentence, and those you 
			              | can not read beyond the first page."
			              |                     -C.N. Yang

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