O'Reilly's Python and XML

A. Keyton Weissinger keyton at weissinger.org
Sun Dec 23 22:29:28 EST 2001

Hi Team,

I just snagged a copy of _Python and XML_, a new release from O'Reilly.
Excellent book. Pulls together quite a range of XML tips and tricks. There
are a couple places where you will want more, but that is pretty much always
the case...

The writing is good and the editing is sound. Though I've not tried all the
code, the code I have tried works.

Anyone have any word on PyXML for Python 2.2? When will it be released, etc?


P.S. For those cynics out there, I would report that this is book is good
even if I WASN'T an O'Reilly author.... ;-)

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