which book?

Oleksandr Moskalenko Remove_This_malex at viking.tagancha.org
Fri Dec 14 10:43:29 EST 2001

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, DeepBlue <DeepBlue at DeepBlue.org> unleashed unto the World:
> Learning Python by Lutz and Ascher    and
> Python Essential Reference 2nd Ed by Beazley
> At a more later stage:
> Programming Python 2nd Edition by Lutz
> For web application and Python, check amazon.com or bn.com and search for
> Python.
> DeepBlue

 And such a search would come up with the following PUBLISHED books:
 1) An impossible to find book by Guido van Rossum and 
 2) "Web Programming in Python: Techniques for Integrating Linux, Apache and
 MySQL", which doesn't have a single review and a bunch of them are
 already sold used. I would be very cautious with a book like that. 

 I couldn't find any other published book on the web programming with Python
 subject unfortunately.


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