Is it possible to kill a thread ?

Peter Hansen peter at
Thu Dec 6 20:49:55 EST 2001

Grant Edwards wrote:
> In article <3C0FCD72.A5FA167C at>, Jeff Shannon wrote:
> > Create a threading.Event object, and pass it to the thread at startup.  When
> > you want to close the application, set the event, and then join() the thread.
> > In the thread, you periodically check the event.  When the event becomes set,
> > then the thread terminates itself.  At that point, your main thread returns
> > from join() and you can finish shutting down.
> The problem with this is that one often creates a thread so
> that it can do some possibly blocking operation without
> stopping the rest of the program.  If the thread is blocked, it
> can't check the event.  If the thread isn't going to block,
> then why create a thread?  [Yes, there are other reasons for
> splitting something into a thread, but in many cases I create a
> thread specifically because it's goign to block.]

Have the thread block with a timeout.  Periodically wake up
and check the signal that asks it to die...  (In Python this
is the only clean and practical way to make this work, AFAIK.)

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at

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