ANN: PyAppBar (win32) (beta)

Keith Farmer kfarmer at
Thu Dec 6 03:51:44 EST 2001

Allows the creation of a win32 appbar, using the win32 extensions.

wxAppBarDemo.pyw uses the PyAppBarFrame class to make an appbar of a
wxPython frame.  It will start with a window in the middle of the screen.
Left-click the window to exit.  Right-click will cycle the window between
undocked and docked to the top, left, right, and bottom states.  The size of
the undocked window is saved.

Known Bug:  changing the taskbar's always-on-top status, or the autohide
status will probably freeze both the taskbar and the appbar.  Killing the
Python process will release the taskbar.  If anybody can help me fix the
problem, I'd certainly appreciate it.  My knowledge of win32 debugging is
rather poor.

I figure this opens up the possibility of creating an appbar to run python
applets inside of, which I think would be just plain nifty.  Any takers?

Keith J. Farmer
kfarmer at

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