Preserving program structure

Chris Barker chrishbarker at
Fri Dec 14 14:56:16 EST 2001

David Dawkins wrote:
> So I'm using IDLE, and Alt-F5 tells me I have a problem with
> indentation.
> It seems I had (inadvertently) mixed tab and space characters.
> No amount of "tabbifying" and "untabbifying" resolved the issue,
> so I had to shift *everything* to the left-margin, and re-create
> the indentation with a consistent scheme (8 space hard tabs).

I'm confused. How is it that "untabbifying" didn't resolve it? While you
may have had a couple of indentations messed up, I would think that
would be a whole lot easier to fix than re-indenting the entire code!

By the way, I don't know about IDLE, but PythonWin (and other editors)
has a mode that allows you to see tabs and spaces, so you can easily go
in a clean out the ones that you don't want.


Christopher Barker,
ChrisHBarker at                ---           ---           ---
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