Newbie Wondering About Database Support?

Max maxx at
Wed Dec 19 13:17:46 EST 2001

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 20:13:17 -0000, richardkessler at (Richard
Kessler) wrote:

>I have recently discovered Python and am excited about the possibility of 
>developing with the language. Unfortunately, I develop database centric 
>applications, MS SQL Server, etc. and I do not see much talk about Python and 
>access to databases. Am I missing something or is Python not intended for that 
>purpose. I would love to replace programs currently in VB with Python, but 
>they must be able to access databases.

For connectivity to SQL Server, if the code in running under Windows, see the
examples at . You will see ADO being used to
connect to a Jet/Access database, but the technique is very similar with MS SQL.

A simplistic example of Python code accessing a SQL Server follows:

import sys, win32com.client

adoConn = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')

connect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=TestServer;Initial Catalog=pubs;User

sql = "SELECT lname FROM employee"

db = adoConn.Execute(sql)
while not db[0].EOF:
    print lastname


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