popen3 on windows and interactive subprocesses

Brian Sturk bsturk at news.rcn.com
Thu Dec 13 02:59:35 EST 2001

I have a script that is run from within the editor vim.  It uses 
popen2.popen3 to run cmd.exe.  I then grab stdout and submit commands
to it via stdin. It works pretty well right now except for one thing.
When I spawn an *interactive* process, like ftp or cleartool I no longer
see anything on stdout after it's launched. Is this possibly because
the app is writing directly to the win32 console?  Any help/ideas greatly

The script, for those curious vim users, is located here:


| Brian M. Sturk - http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~bsturk \ C/C++ |  .>   )\,^a__
|--------------------------|  bsturk at nh.ultranet.com   | Java | (  _ _)/ /-." ~
| http://www.telengard.com `---------------------------`------|  `( )_ )/
| Telengard Technologies Inc. -  NT/*nix UI & device drivers  | _<_s_<_s

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