Python evangelists unite!

Jyrinx jyrinxatmindspringdotcom
Mon Dec 3 03:40:36 EST 2001

> For example, I'm writing a Ruby binding to the Object-Oriented
> database GOODS.  Some objects are persistent, some are transient.  You
> don't know at "compile time" which are which, so it's very nice for my
> binding to be able to add persistence support methods at run-time only
> to those objects that will be stored in the database.  Without Ruby's
> support for adding these methods to individual objects, I'd have to
> modify the class, which would mean adding all this persistence-related
> stuff to transient objects.  Ruby allows a much cleaner solution: add
> the persistence support methods only to those objects that need them.

Under the basic premises of OO, shouldn't you just have a base class with
derived classes "persistent" and "transient," or some such? I'd think this
would make clearer your intent for the uses of the objects.

jyrinx at mindspring dot com

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