Learning resources needed

Duke thisis at bogus.com
Wed Dec 5 13:34:06 EST 2001

"Jonathan Gardner" <jgardn at alumni.washington.edu> wrote in message
news:mailman.1007567348.24232.python-list at python.org...
> If you are looking to develop GUI apps, look towards PyQt. Qt runs on X,
> Windows, and now Mac as well. I tried to learn Tcl/Tk, but I ended up
> PyQt because it is a lot simpler and a lot easier to work with and

Problem with the Windblows version of Qt (at least full-blown Qt, don't know
anything about the licensing of PyQt) is that it is a 30-day limited demo
and it's a 10MB+ download (thinking of the users of my programs).  But just
for the X side I will give it a try since I've programmed Qt and, although
not a huge fan, I like it.

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