How to know that a second application has finished?

Suchandra Thapa ssthapa at
Tue Dec 18 12:13:43 EST 2001

Enrique <ecastro at> wrote:
>   Let me put my question again, in a different and more
>general form. I have a Python program that launches a GUI
>application in a separate window via COM. I am using Python
>2.1.1 with win32 extensions in MS-Windows (win95/98/NT)
>Is it possible to suspend the main Python program until the
>COM application has finished? (has been closed). 
>I want to resume from that point onwards. How the main
>program gets information of the state of other applications
>launched from it?

    I'm not sure about COM but on unix one way to do this would
be to do a os.fork(), followed by a os.wait.  On windows I believe
you could do something like os.spawnv with the P_WAIT flag.  Instead
of spawning the application directly, maybe you could spawn another 
python script that then controls the GUI app  using COM.

Suchandra Thapa                       | "There are only two kinds of math . 
s-thapa-11 at  | books. Those you cannot read beyond 
			              | the first sentence, and those you 
			              | can not read beyond the first page."
			              |                     -C.N. Yang

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