FEEDBACK WANTED: Type/class unification

Quinn Dunkan quinn at
Wed Aug 1 21:03:47 EDT 2001

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:50:38 +0100, Andrew Dalke <dalke at> wrote:
>What's wrong with 'klass'?  Other than that it looks either
>like a typo or like German.  Several of the standard libraries

Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but my aesthetic reaction is that it's
really gross.  Every time my eye trips over one of those things I feel like I
do whenever I see a sign advertising "Hundred's of Items for Sale".

Worse is that some people who start down that path may eventually see nothing
wrong with calling a variable "fyle" (because "file" is already taken).  I've
seen it, and it's not pretty.

I'm sure my aversion is not totally rational.

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