weird COM behavior, sets arguments to Null

dsavitsk dsavitsk at
Mon Aug 6 19:01:56 EDT 2001

I made a COM server that is a wrapper to the bsddb.  (this is unimportant,
however, as i have seen this behavior from other objects as well.)  if i
pass a single argument to the server everything is fine, if i pass more than
one, python resets them all to null values.

for example, vb code
dim key
dim value
dim i
key = "1"
value = "one"
Set odb = CreateObject("bsddb.db")
'open a file"C:/somefile.db", "hash", "c")
'is it a key
i = odb.has_key(key)
'i has a value of 1 or 0, and key is still "1"
'add/update an item
odb.set_item(key, value)
'key now is null.

the only workaround i can think of is to declare another variable, set it =
to key and pass it.  do i really need 2 variables to pass arguments to COM
servers, or is this a bug.



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