Don't Miss It!

Don't Miss It. rhok2807 at
Wed Aug 8 23:46:19 EDT 2001

I am at the top of a hot new company that is just now starting it's
massive explosion. This company has the greatest compensation plan in the
history of network marketing and you have the opportunity to get in at the
top, but not for long. I am not going to go into great detail in this e
-mail but if you are really serious about making money and you want to be
in the right program that will get you making the big dollars then waste
no time. 
Here is what you need to do.
Send an e-mail to ewnbill at
and I will send you more information immediately.
Once you have done this I will be in contact to get you more information
as quick as possible before you no longer have time to be positioned at
the top. Just ask yourself the following questions:
"Have I ever had the opportunity to be in a mlm program at the top?"
"Would I like to have an opportunity like that?"
If your answer to the second question was "YES" then waste no time sending
an e-mail to ewnbill at for more information and I will waste no
time getting back to you with the important information that you will need
to get going..
This Is Your Chance To Be At The Top For A Change!
DO NOT reply to this e-mail for more information because you may never get
it and you certainly do not want that, so send an e-mail to ewnbill at yahoo
.com for more information immediately. Just so you know I have my e-mail
account set up so when you send an e-mail for more information you will
immediately receive an e-mail that reads "Yahoo! Auto Response" in the
subject line and do not worry it will not put you on a list of any kind. I
did this to ensure that you get the important information right away and
do not have to wait for me.
I Look Forward To Working With You!
Bill Miller
(540) 347-9055

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