Is 0 > None??

Manus Hand manus at
Fri Aug 31 19:32:12 EDT 2001

Yes, I knew I was opening myself up for nifty-tricking.

And yes, I knew from when the result of "0 < None" changed
when 1.5.2 came out that it is explicit that its undefined.

So I repeat, I knew I was opening myself up.  Just thought
I could convince TPTB that maybe it was worth defining.
If I'm the only one foolish enough to write code that depends
on the result of 0 < None, well, I will feel especially special.

And yes, I knew there was no such thing as sys.minint.  :-)

Someone asked what the affected code was.  Here is
a simplified rundown.

class Consortium:
    def __init__(self):
        self.bids = [None] * 3
    def bid(self, who, amt):
        self.bids[who] = min(self.bids[who], amt)

In other words, I was too lazy to type:
        if self.bids[who] is None: self.bids[who] = amt
        else: self.bids[who] = min(self.bids[who], amt)


    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(self.bids, key.bids)  # None compares "correctly"

The class provides a list of bid amounts, one for each of three ordered
persons.  These people each contribute money to different consotriums
to purchase something.

Let's say these people are named Al, Bud, and Carl.  Al is bidder #1
(any amount he offers to a cpecific consortium's bid goes into the
[0] element of the bids attribute).  Bud is bidder #2 (his offer goes
into the [1] element) and Carl is bidder #3 (his offer goes into the [2]

If two consortiums offer the same total bid, the one that wins is
the one in which Al offered LESS money.  If Al offered the same amount
to both winning consortiums (or did not contribute to either of them),
then the winning bid is the one in which BUD offered LESS money.
Again, if Bud offered the same amount or did not offer at all, Carl's
data would determine.  (Okay, I simplified the application too much;
if Al and Bud's offer amounts don't break the tie, Carl's sure won't;
trust me, though -- in the real, more complex application, two
Consotriums are guaranteed to compare unequal).

The thing that was handy was that not offering money to a consortium
(i.e., "None" for your entry) compared worse than having offered
a hundred zillion million dollars. (which was worse than having offered
only niney-nine zillion million dollars, which was worse than having
offered ... etc., etc., which was worse than the best possible offer,
which is one single dollar).

Changing the __cmp__() function was a sad thing to do.  I had
created the bids list specifically so that list comparison would work.

I could make the value assigned to "bids" in __init__() thus:
    self.bids = [sys.maxint] * 3


The thing is, __repr__ was very nice.  It was obvious when someone had
bid money and when he didn't, because the word "None" showed up.

I know I could continue with "None" in the bids, if I'm really that
concerned about __repr__(), but that would mean a __cmp__()
function that is far more complicated than
    return cmp(self.bids, other.bids)

Well, a bit more complicated -- I could do this:
    return cmp([x is None and sys.maxint or x for x in self.bids],
               [x is None and sys.maxint or x for x in self.bids])

Okay, I've wasted enough of your time.


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