Problem with win32ui MessageBox

Alex Martelli aleax at
Mon Aug 20 10:10:41 EDT 2001

"Maurizio Manetti" <maurizio.manetti at> wrote in message
news:3B80ED4F.F37FA70 at
> I have the following dummy script:
> import win32con
> import win32ui
> win32ui.MessageBox("Test Message", 'Test', win32con.MB_OK)
> When I run it from PythonWin it works as expected.
> If I save it on a script ".py" file and launch it (double click,
> associated with pythonw) I get the following error:
> I found this problem on two different Win machine (Win98 with Python 2.0
> and WinMe with Python 2.1.1)
> Does anyone know why? And how to solve the problem?

Works fine for me on NT4 with Python 2.1.1.  I don't see any
obvious reason why it should fail so horribly, either.


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