Norton AV report on ActiveState build 210 src?

Paul Prescod paulp at
Fri Aug 3 16:51:44 EDT 2001

Terry Reedy wrote:
> It should be quite safe to *look* at the file with WinZip's ascii
> viewer or with notepad.
> Or use Python to read and display.

Here's what it looks like on my computer (i.e. nonviral!):

@echo off

rem Batch file for locating and executing SWIG.
rem SWIG binaries are kept under source control,
rem so this batch file should find that version.

if "%SWIG_EXE%==" goto not_set
if not exist %SWIG_EXE% goto not_set

echo NOTE: The build process has changed (hopefully for the better!)
echo You can remove your old SWIG install, and the %SWIG_EXE% 
echo environment variable.  All of SWIG is now kept under CVS,
echo and this version will be used if %%SWIG_EXE%% is not set.
goto set 

if not exist ..\swig\swig.exe goto not_found
rem Pull a trick to convert the path to a full path.
for %%I in (..\swig\swig.exe) do set SWIG_EXE=%%~fI
for /D %%I in (..\swig\swig_lib) do set SWIG_LIB=%%~fI

cd %1
%SWIG_EXE% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto xit

echo *** Can not find SWIG.
echo *** Please see "swig.bat" for how we attempt to locate SWIG.
goto xit


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