MatPy win32 question (cephes.pyd)

W. Jarrett Campbell jarrett at
Fri Aug 10 11:41:44 EDT 2001

I'm trying to get MatPy running on my win32 Python 2.1 installation.  I've
gone through and installed all the prerequisites per the documentation but
I'm having some trouble running the tests.  My issue seems to be around the
use of cephes.pyd.  The version that I have downloaded requires python15.dll
but I'm running python 2.1.  I downloaded python15.dll and put it in my path
but when cephes tries to access it, I get a message saying :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in ?
    from MatPy.mfuncs import expm, logm, sqrtm
  File "e:\python21\MatPy\", line 1, in ?
    import SpecialFuncs
  File "e:\python21\", line 1, in ?
    from cephes import *
ImportError: Module use of python15.dll conflicts with this version of


Is there a cephes.pyd built for Python 2.1 on win32 systems that I can
download?  Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

W. Jarrett Campbell
jarrett at

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