Problem with win32ui MessageBox

Maurizio Manetti giannozzo at
Tue Aug 21 02:04:30 EDT 2001

Stefan Schukat wrote:

> The win32ui is not just a call into the windows API. It depends
> on the framework used. Normally this is used in an application
> which is based on the Python MFC wrapping by MarkH.

Thank you a lot for the explanation!

> The pure windows API is implemented in the win32api module in
> which your code would look like:
> import win32con
> import win32api
> win32api.MessageBox(0, "Test Message", 'Test', win32con.MB_OK)

That works fine!! Thanks!
> As you see there is an additional first parameter. This is
> the HANDLE to the parent window which is filled automagically
> in the win32ui environment.

But "0" is the HANDLE for which parent window, in this case?
> But that is not your problem. The problem is a small error
> in the win32ui implementation. Mark has used a windows hook
> to do the message routing. This hook was added twice by accident in
> a console app which caused an endless recursion and
> therefore a stack overflow in Win9X/ME, but not on WinNT/2000.
> The fix (more a hack) was included in the CVS sources at the 6. July.

That means I can download the source from the CVS and compile Python?
(I never compiled Python under Windows)

> So it may be included in ActivePython 211 (Ask Mark)
I downloaded and installed ActivePython 2.1.1 build 212 but the problem
is still there.
However I'll turn around it using directly the Windows API as you
suggested. Thank you very much.

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