Trouble with SQL and Entry box

Cguru cguru at
Wed Aug 1 12:22:51 EDT 2001

Hello All...

I've been using Python for about 3 months and am now trying to make
decent gui apps. I am having one problem that I can't figure out, and the
obligatory search failed to find an anser. (I even bought the
book Python Developer's handbook, to no avail)

This is what I'm doing:
My app uses queries from a PostGRE database.
I have a "form" with entry boxes. I want the entry boxes (and 1 text box)
to have the contents of a query that they can change. But I see no "text"
parameter. I noticed a get() method but can't figure out how to use it.

This is what I have...
       rs = pg.DB('blah')


	query17 = "select companyname from clients"
	var1 = rs.query(query17)
        self.ent17 = Entry (master)
	#self.ent17.configure(textvariable = query17)

It doesnt' do what I expect it to do.
Am i wrong for thing the output of the query shoudl go in the entry box?
Thanks..I really appreciate it.

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