Python Books

Rob Andrews rob at
Thu Aug 23 10:00:51 EDT 2001

Relfx wrote:
> I was wandering if anyone here read the few books that are out there for
> python. Lately the only set of books i have seen that give alot of info are
> the O'Reilly editions such Learning and Programming with python.
>     Are these books the best to have considering I'm still moving up the
> ladder of programming? Also are there going to more publications to support
> python programming?

Some of this depends on where you're coming from. If you have experience
or classroom time with just about any modern programming language, just
about any introductory Python book will do to introduce you to the basic
elements of the language. For this purpose, you can also use some of the
web tutorials available:

*Learning Python* (Lutz/Ascher) assumes at least a light familiarity
with another language. If you took a semester of Pascal ten years ago,
and made it as far as stacks and queues, you may still meet these
assumptions. I know someone who approached the book this way and liked

*Learn to Program Using Python* (Gauld) is a good text assuming no
previous programming experience.

*Core Python Programming* (Chun) starts at the beginner level (but it
hits the ground running in a good way) and introduces a number of
intermediate topics. Lots of working sample code.

*Programming Python 2nd ed.* (Lutz) makes a great second Python book, no
matter which introduction you choose. I always keep this one and *Core*
handy and together for quick reference.

*Python How To Program* will be published by Prentice Hall soon, and the
current draft is of fine quality. When it hits the shelves, I'm thinking
about picking up half a dozen copies for Python newbies I know.

*Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours* (published by SAMS) is actually a
nice beginner text. I was skeptical because of the title, but it has
turned out to be a local favorite.

Whatever path you choose, Python students have access to this newsgroup,
the Python Tutor email list, and other newbie-friendly resources.

A {} is a terrible thing to waste.
Useless Python!

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