Plethora of strange cracker newbie questions

Peter Hansen peter at
Fri Aug 24 01:35:13 EDT 2001

Is it just me, or does it look like there's a new world-wide
organization of Python newbie crackers all asking questions 
here with an eye towards creating some Python script bent 
on world domination or at least other nefarious deeds?

Recently we've had a spate of newbies who "need" to send email 
(bulk mailer slime?), ping stuff (target discovery), interact
with IRC servers (anyone not read 
yet?), and several others I've already forgotten, including
some which as I recall would be useful in building elements
of a virus.

Whatever happened to the good old newbies who asked about
how to create a file so they could track their video tape
collections on their computers?  Why are they jumping 
straight to low-level script-kiddie stuff which few of 
us even get a chance to do?

Not that I don't like newbies or anything, but maybe it
wouldn't be wise to be quite so blindly helpful as most inhabitants have been in the past.  Maybe some
hesitation and just dumping working source at them would
be advisable.

Am I just overly sensitive?

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at

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