simple example of mimelib? and embedding (not attaching) images in email sent with python.

Markus Schaber markus at
Sun Aug 19 13:31:02 EDT 2001


phil hunt <philh at> schrub:

>>> parses text. Note also that this is documentted under the heading
>>> "Parsing MIME documents" which wants to be changed to something like
>>> "Parsing Mail Documents".
>>That is definitely not true, because there are other uses for mime
>>encapsulation, not only mail. The nearest example is Usenet News.
> True.
> My point was that the section entitled "Parsing MIME documents" is
> also about parsing non-MIME documents.

May be we should suggest "Parsing Messages" or "Parsing Documents"?
1) Customers cause problems.
2) Marketing is trying to create more customers.
3) Marketing is evil.  (Grand Edwards in comp.lang.python)

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