C API -- a second ?

Martin von Loewis loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Sun Aug 12 07:08:34 EDT 2001

Tavis Rudd <tavis at calrudd.com> writes:

> how does one split a PyString in C? Do I need to use 
> PyUnicode_Split() and convert back to plain strings from 
> the unicode objects or is there some other way of doing 
> this?

You could always call methods on objects:

res = PyObject_CallMethod(mystring, "split", "s", ":");

would be the equivalent of

res = mystring.split(":")

That has some overhead to a direct function call, so you may want to
put a feature request on sf.net/projects/python for exposing the split
function. Note that it is really two functions in the C API, though,
one that takes a string, and one that splits whitespace. When you do
submit a feature request, you may try to propose an interface that can
deal with both cases.


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