Python Books

kosh kosh at
Wed Aug 22 20:35:16 EDT 2001

Relfx wrote:

> I was wandering if anyone here read the few books that are out there for
> python. Lately the only set of books i have seen that give alot of info
> are the O'Reilly editions such Learning and Programming with python.
>     Are these books the best to have considering I'm still moving up the
> ladder of programming? Also are there going to more publications to
> support python programming?

Another book to consider getting is the python essential reference. I find 
it to be a great book when programming since it has the information in a 
rather concise format. Learning books are designed for learning and don't 
tend to make very good reference manuals.

Two other books that are not python books that I consider indispensible are
Refactoring and Design Patterns. These books cover some core issues of OO 
work and refactoring techniques work very nicely with python. If applied 
properly they can help you save a lot of time by helping you improve the 
design of your program as you go. I know it seems strange but if you 
constantly do the work to keep your design clean you can add new features 
faster then if you keep trying to hack features in.

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