BUG? Re: compiling Python 2.1.1

Roman Suzi rnd at onego.ru
Tue Aug 28 03:13:51 EDT 2001

On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, Skip Montanaro wrote:

>     Roman> How people compile Python 2.1.1 from src.rpm on not-so-ancient
>     Roman> RedHat 6.2 (without tricks)???
> Checked into CVS is a slight modification of setup.py that may help you
> compile on a system with potentially multiple versions of libdb.  Attached
> is a context diff.  Feedback on whether or not this helps people would be
> appreciated.

OK... Using Distutils for Python 1.5.2 for building Python 2.1.1 
is impossible, because there are things missing and all kinds
of new syntax features (list comprehensions, +=, **args-call syntax).

How people are supposed to build and install Python 2.1.1
on RedHat 6x systems _right way_?

Well, lets do it ./configure; make:

  File "/home/blduser/src/Python-2.1.1/Lib/distutils/command/build.py", line
106, in run
  File "/home/blduser/src/Python-2.1.1/Lib/distutils/cmd.py", line 328, in
  File "/home/blduser/src/Python-2.1.1/Lib/distutils/dist.py", line 919, in
  File "/home/blduser/src/Python-2.1.1/Lib/distutils/command/build_ext.py",
line 231, in run
  File "/home/blduser/src/Python-2.1.1/Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py", line 121,
in customize_compiler
    (cc, opt, ccshared, ldshared, so_ext) = \
  File "/home/blduser/src/Python-2.1.1/Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py", line 370,
in get_config_vars
  File "/home/blduser/src/Python-2.1.1/Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py", line 302,
in _init_posix
    raise DistutilsPlatformError, my_msg
distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: invalid Python
installation: unable to
open /usr/local/lib/python2.1/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)
make: *** [sharedmods] Error 1

Now, it seems I need to remove Distutils and trying again.

make worked, but then:

$ ./python setup.py bdist_rpm
running bdist_rpm
writing 'build/bdist.linux-i686/rpm/SPECS/Python standard library.spec'
running sdist
warning: sdist: missing required meta-data: url
warning: sdist: missing meta-data: either (author and author_email) or
(maintainer and maintainer_email) must be supplied
reading manifest file 'MANIFEST'
creating Python standard library-2.1
making hard links in Python standard library-2.1...
hard linking README -> Python standard library-2.1
hard linking setup.py -> Python standard library-2.1
warning: sdist: 'structmodule.c' not a regular file -- skipping
tar -cf dist/Python standard library-2.1.tar Python standard library-2.1
gzip -f9 dist/Python standard library-2.1.tar
removing 'Python standard library-2.1' (and everything under it)
copying dist/Python standard library-2.1.tar.gz ->
building RPMs
rpm -ba --define _topdir
/home/blduser/src/Python-2.1.1/build/bdist.linux-i686/rpm --clean
build/bdist.linux-i686/rpm/SPECS/Python standard library.spec
line 6: Tag takes single token only: Name: Python standard library
error: command 'rpm' failed with exit status 1

$ rpm -q rpm

So, I am unable to build rpm by bdist_rpm.

Also, I can't install by setup.py. Well, I can do:

./python setup.py install

but this again doesn't copy python executable...

And names of tar.gz's are strange:

dist$ ls
Python standard library-2.1.linux-i686.tar.gz
Python standard library-2.1.tar.gz

I think, this is a BUG is setup.py, no less!

Sincerely yours, Roman A.Suzi
 - Petrozavodsk - Karelia - Russia - mailto:rnd at onego.ru -

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