Windows DLL import error (bug?)

Campbell cb921 at
Fri Aug 10 04:40:03 EDT 2001


I am using Windows NT 4.0 with Python 2.1.

I have a DLL called _starla.dll, and the words 'import _starla' at the
top of a script in the same directory.  This of course works just fine.
This morning, after I rebuilt the dll, I suddenly found an ImportError,
and python could not find the dll.

Viewing the directory through an smbfs mount on a Linux machine, I
notice that the file (according to ls) is called _STARLA.DLL.

renaming the file to _starla.dll fixed my problem, though it took a very
long time to figure out.

If I rename the file to _STARLA.DLL, the error returns.

I thought windows was case insensitive?



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