FEEDBACK WANTED: Type/class unification

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Wed Aug 1 17:57:58 EDT 2001

>>What's wrong with 'klass'?

Quinn Dunkan replied:
>Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but my aesthetic reaction is that it's
>really gross.  Every time my eye trips over one of those things I feel like
>do whenever I see a sign advertising "Hundred's of Items for Sale".

Then perhaps my statement should be interpreted "let's see what people
have done about this before... ahh, the standard library uses 'klass'
and 'cls'.  Guido brought up 'cls' so by symmetry 'klass' should be

Going back to the olden days - any chance of user testing?  My
gut feeling is that 'self' works fine and there's no need for another
word.  I'll just need to explain that the class is a type of object.

                    dalke at

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